Safety, health, and well-being 

Safety and well-being are central to our company culture. We invest in prevention and training to ensure a safe working environment for all our employees, and we strive for equality and diversity.

Health and safety

Every day, our teams cover many kilometres, so we place extra emphasis on road safety. Our drivers and employees receive specific training through DrivOlution and our own VPD Academy, where experienced employees train their colleagues. We have already been awarded the Truck Safety Award for this initiative.

In all departments of our company, we invest in prevention and awareness to avoid accidents and encourage employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Safety on the road

Diversity and equality

At VPD, we strive for an inclusive working environment where respect and equality are central, and opportunities are distributed fairly. We are committed to providing an open, supportive, and non-discriminatory working environment where everyone can fully develop.


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